04 / Opening Moves

initialpositionOpening Moves —The Initial Position

Letterpress print —
Designed / set & printed (Autumn 2015)
over ‘Black Check’
in Black & Metallic Silver
with typographic moves in 72pt Grotesque 9 (Stephenson Blake)

Printed in 4 Limited Editions of 6
1 / The Initial Position
2 / Bishop’s Opening
3 / King’s Gambit
4 / Petrov’s Defence

on 140gsm Zerkall Smooth
(4 deckle edges)
final sheet size 535 x 760mm (21 x 30 inches).
Signed by the Artists

buy the limited edition prints here / £200 unframed




petrov's defence

om_petrov.detailOpening Moves — Petrov’s Defence:
(also called Petroff’s Defence, Russian Game and Russian Defence)
is a chess opening characterised by the following moves:
1. e4 e5 / 2. Ktf3 Ktf6

Though this symmetrical response has a long history,
it was first popularised by Alexander Petrov,
a Russian chess player of the mid-19th century.
In recognition of the early investigations by
the Russian masters Petrov and Carl Jaenisch,
this opening is called the Russian Game in some countries.

The Petrov has a reputation of being dull and uninspired.
However, it offers attacking opportunities for both sides,
and a few lines are quite sharp. Often a trade occurs and Black,
after gaining a tempo, has a well-placed knight.

Silver composition for Petrov’s Defence.

Early newsprint proofs in 72pt Grot 9.